WE HAVE NUMEROUS EVENTS BETWEEN NOW AND THE G-20 ON SEP 26. HERE IS INFORMATION ON HOW YOU CAN BE INVOLVED & LET YOUR VOICE BE HEARD. IT IS VITAL NOW THAT YOU DO NOT TAKE A BACKSEAT BUT STAND UP AND BE COUNTED! This is a lot of information but as we get closer to each event, we will send out specifics again on that particular event. This email is to give you a heads-up for future events so that you can plan.
The closest Townhall Meeting to Pittsburgh that Senator Specter will be holding is in Kittanning, PA. We encourage all Tea Party Patriots to attend. If there is not room inside, be sure to stand outside with signs and loud voices! Here is the information regarding this meeting which has been pulled directly from his website:
Specter To Hold Open House Town Hall Meeting in Kittanning
Will meet with area residents and field questions from the audience on a variety of topics
Kittanning, PA
Thursday, August 13, 2009 - 03:00 PM
Specter To Hold Open House Town Hall Meeting in Kittanning .
Will meet with area residents and field questions from the audience on a variety of topics.
DATE/TIME: 3:00 pm on Thursday, August 13, 2009
LOCATION: Belmont Complex
415 Butler Road
Kittanning, PA 16201
U.S. Senator Arlen Specter (D-Pa.) will hold an open house town hall meeting in Kittanning. As is his custom during the Senate’s August recess, Senator Specter will host town halls throughout Pennsylvania and invite constituents to discuss issues important to the region, the state, and the nation.
Senator Specter will address the audience briefly and devote the remainder of the hour to responding to residents’ questions and concerns.
“I find these town meetings indispensible to stay in close touch with the people of Pennsylvania in order to do as good a job as possible in representing them,” Senator Specter said.
View a map of the Senator’s Town Hall Meetings announced to-date here
Week of AUGUST 17, 2009 (tentative)
We will not be having a 9-12 Pittsburgh Tea Party but...The Tea Party Express (Our Country Deserves Better PAC & our National Tea Party Patriots Group) will be caravaning across the country from California on their way to the National 9-12 Tea Party March on DC. They will be stopping in Pittsburgh on Sep 9th at 2:30 p.m. We will be hosting this group and will be using this event as our Tea Party instead of attempting to organize a local tea party on Sep 12 when we'll have limited staff because most of us will also be going to DC. We encourage everyone to attend! It will be eventful, I can assure you! It is a Tea Party Protest but will be entertaining as well ! The event will be at the Veterans Memorial at North Boundary Park in Cranberry. There is ample parking by the pool and the baseball fields. We suggest you arrive early (say between 2-2:15 p.m.) since they are coming in from Canton, OH, and could arrive a little early. We have scheduled this event in Cranberry because they will be heading to Johnstown after our Tea Party, and it is easier to get on/off the highway with less road time. The flyer for this event is attached and we would appreciate it if you would download it and print copies off to post around your area and hand out to your friends and family. Here is a link to their website so you can take a look at what they have planned!
SEPTEMBER 12, 2009
National Tea Party March on D.C. Numerous organizations are combining to organize this event. Please take a look at their website:
http://912dc.org/ They are expecting at least ONE MILLION people to attend this march and event. We need to stand up and this could be a defining moment!
We will be marching down Pennsylvania Avenue from the Freedom Plaza to the West Front of the U.S. Capitol Building where there will be a program of noteable speakers. The march is about 3 miles and will begin at 10 a.m. It is imperative that anyone contemplating going to this event and being with us be aware of the fact that there will be considerable walking and standing at the Capitol Building. There will be no place to sit.
The Pittsburgh Tea Party Planning Group will be offering bus(es) for this trip going down very early (around 3-3:30 a.m.) the morning of Sep 12 and returning in the evening the same day (leaving DC around 6-7 p.m.). Details will be on our website:
www.pittsburghteapartymovement.com by the end of the day (Thurs). You can sign right up with a credit card on our website thru paypal. The cost will be $49 which covers your seat, the gratuity for the bus driver, the credit card fees and gives us a little money for expenses and emergencies.
We will be attempting to offer as many buses as we have passengers for and we must have a good idea by August 16 as to how many buses we will need. Once a manifest is set on a bus, money will not be refunded (if you find you can't go, you can sell your seats or give them to someone else). If we end up with a bus that is half full at the deadline, we will refund people's money. However, we will be working with other organizations to pick up their overages to help fill up our last bus. Our buses will also be covering the 9-12 Wexford Group and we will have one bus leaving from the North Hills. We would encourage you to make the decision to go. It is one day in your life and just might be the most important contribution you will ever be able to make to your country.
Due to the fact that they are anticipating so many people in DC, the city is requiring buses entering the city for the March pay for permits. We have decided to not have our buses go into D.C. but rather drop us all off at the Rosslyn Metro Station and we will take the train into a station closest to the Freedom Plaza where the March will begin. We will then walk from the Capitol after the event to a different, closer station to go back to the bus(es) at the Rosslyn station. Specific details will be provided to those who sign up to ride a bus and also on the bus(es). The cost for this will be $1.35 each way per person and metro tickets can be purchased on line prior to the trip. Those details will also be provided to people who sign up.
SEPTEMBER 12, 2009
For those of you who will not be able to go to the D.C. National Tea Party, the Bushy Run Tea Party Group (Greensburg) will be hosting a Tea Party at Bushy Run State Park. We will have more details for you after the Townhall with Senator Specter.
SEPTEMBER 19, 2009
Family Preparedness Seminar, St. John of the Highlands Church, 311 Cumberland Rd, Pittsburgh, PA 15237
("Highland Hall located around the back of the building" )
This event costs $20,00 per person due to the supplies that are used to conduct the Seminar.
This event is being offered by the 9.12 Wexford Group; however, Steve Harris is a member of the Tea Party Planning Group so we thought we'd share the information with you.
Please go to the 9.12 Wexford Meetup Site to RSVP ( http://www.meetup.com/Glenn-Beck-s-We-Surround-Them-Viewing-Party/) & plan to pay price of admission in cash, $20/single and $30/couple, at the event. A portion of the money will go to The Pittsburgh 912 Project*
Steve has professionally given the class to government, military, police and fire department as well as first responders and individual families such as yourselves.
*From Steve Harris*
The class is EXTREMELY hands on. It is very no-nonsense and you do not need any 'special items' from anywhere. Everything in the ENTIRE CLASS is available in every grocery store. You'll leave
the class with hands on experience and knowledge. Its just like having a CPR class, you leave with the knowledge of how to do it.
The class will cover in detail, food, water, storage, preparation of the food. Come to the class just a bit hungry. Do NOT eat before the class. We will feed you in the class. You'll be amazed at the speed and the quality of the food. This class is like NOTHING you've ever had before, or even think you've had before.
The class can be up to 4 hours long, but you'll swear it was 40 minutes and it will hold you with rapt attention.
This class is for ADULTS ONLY. NO CHILDREN. The class contains adult subjects; Survival, desperation, attitude and the subject of death. The presenters language may be quite harsh at times and
direct and to the point. An occasional vulgarity or curse might slip from the presenter, but the subject itself is dead serious.
SEPTEMBER 24, 2009
The Freedom Conference is the vision of a coalition of five Pittsburgh grassroots organizations and our partners (The Pittsburgh Tea Party Planning Group is one of those organizations). We believe in limited government and free market solutions to our problems, and work to present those. Our main event, scheduled for September 24 at Soldiers and Sailors Hall, will explain about the G-20 Summit and what it means for you. Few people realize the power that these people have, but we will make clear what their proposals will cost, whether they will answer to you, and why you should be informed. We invite people who share our vision to help us make this event a success, as we also invite those who want to learn more to join and become aware.Learn more about what is planned at
www.freedomconference2009.com, including the August 16th planning picnic.
Thanks and God Bless America!
The Pittsburgh Tea Party Planning Group
Hi - the Freedom Conference is on Tuesday, Sept 22, not the 24th.
ReplyDeleteFor more information, please see http://freedomconference2009.com or email info@freedomconference2009.com.
DaveP - Co-organizer