To regain our freedoms we must reject the Greek religious worldview that matter and private property is the source of evil and that the state must step in to define man's rights and protect him from his evil environment. this false Greek religious worldview has been the source of Marxist and the progressive/socialist worldview.
We must reinstate the Creationist worldview of the founding fathers that the Creator who gave us our rights, made a good world but man by his act of rebellion introduced evil into society. Hence matter and private property are not inherently evil or the source of evil.
This Creationist worldview of the Declaration of Independence, will end socialism by revealing the religious error it is based on.
It will reintroduce limited government and end the progressive taxation scheme that was introduced by the socialists in 1913 to pay for their nanny state.
It will reform our criminal justice system by holding that man is responsible for his actions and is not the victim of his environment.
It will end the insane gun laws which hold the gun and not the criminal responsible for crime.
It will likewise end the abuses of the welfare system by making everyone responsible for his own welfare because they are not victims of their economic environment.
It will end the abuses of healthcare by emphasizing
that everyone by their obedience or disobedience to the Creator's laws of health is responsible for their own health and should not expect the rest of society to pay for the drug management of their diseases.
You see worldviews do matter. The worldview of our founding fathers established laws and institutions based on individual accountable and freedom of choice. The neo- Marxist worldview establishes laws and institutions based on the state's responsibility for the well being of the individual. These two worldviews
are poles apart and lead to laws and institutions that are poles apart.
How then can conservatives compromise withe neo- Marxist/Socialist on anything- let alone on health care legislation?
The only solution to the crisis of government we face today is to throw the Socialist- Marxist out of office and reset the legislative clock to 1912. We must undo the freedom destroying legislation and judicial opinions of the last century to recover our lost rights and freedoms.
Jim Henderson, Esq. Author of Indicted! The People vs. The Medical and Drug Cartel.
It Ain't Over Until He's GONE!!
12 years ago
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