Wednesday, July 22, 2009

May 2009

Hold tight-the show has just begun! There is only so much one person can watch at this three-ring circus. And that my fellow Americans, is just what the ring master “Obama” is counting on. There is so much being forced on us under the pretense that he knows better than those who have toiled for this country. He knows better than those trained in the banking and automotive fields. Obama wants for those that have no “skin in the game.”
Let’s start with Arlen “I’ll do as I see fit” Specter, selfish and self-serving to the end. When was the last time he represented those that elected him-this latest temper tantrum was so typical of him. He has never been a conservative’s choice. Complacent we became as we went about our jobs and family obligations. Trusting those we elected to represent our best interest and when our choice differs from the elected-let the majorities voice be heard. Or so we thought.
Chrysler in bankruptcy-who saw that coming? How dare the bondholders stand up for those they represent? Well I say, YEAH! There is right and there is right. These investments were in the form of 401K’s and retirement funds. The strong-arm tactics of this administration is becoming the norm. Forget what is legal, forget the laws. If they are not able to convince you this is the only possible way, due to the emergency, then it will just be done.
Well the most outrageous catch to the Chrysler bankruptcy is that the UAW union will be majority owner. What did I miss? Did they buy in as investors? Or is there an employee buyout in the works? No, they will be given majority ownership by the Obama administration. The UAW made no concessions to save the company that has paid their salaries and benefits for years. There was no attempt by the union to “help for the good of all involved”. Why help when you can get the prize anyway! Too big to fail-Crank up the presses-more money, more money!
Now is the time to stand firm in what is right, moral and fiscally conservative. Now is the time to pray-Oh yeah, National Day of Prayer will no longer be a White House event, it will be observed in private-Who saw THAT coming?

You can't make up stuff better than this!
Ain't politics grand?


Jesse Jackson's Newest Staff Member-Mel Reynolds

Jesse Jackson has added former Chicago Democrat Congressman Mel Reynolds to Rainbow/PUSH Coalition's payroll. Reynolds was among the 176 criminals excused in President Clinton's last-minute forgiveness spree. Reynolds received a commutation of his six-and-a-half-year federal sentence for 15 convictions of wire fraud, bank fraud, and lies to the Federal Election Commission. He is more notorious, however, for concurrently serving five years for sleeping with an underage campaign volunteer. This is a first in American politics: An ex-congressman who had sex with a subordinate...won clemency from a president who had sex with a subordinate...then was hired by a clergyman who had sex with a subordinate.....!
His new job? …. Ready for this? …..

INSIDE WASHINGTON: Taxpayers to get rude surprise

Millions of couples, retirees may have to repay some of Obama tax credit

WASHINGTON (AP) 4/30/09-- Millions of Americans enjoying their small windfall from President Barack Obama's "Making Work Pay" tax credit are in for an unpleasant surprise next spring. The govt’ is going to want some of that money back.The tax credit is supposed to provide up to $400 to individuals and $800 to married couples as part of the massive economic recovery package enacted in February. Most workers started receiving the credit through small increases in their paychecks in the past month.But new tax withholding tables issued by the IRS could cause millions of taxpayers to get hundreds of dollars more than they are entitled to under the credit, money that will have to be repaid at tax time.At-risk taxpayers include a broad swath of the public: married couples in which both spouses work; workers with more than one job; retirees who have federal income taxes withheld from their pension payments and Social Security recipients with jobs that provide taxable income.The IRS acknowledges problems with the withholding tables but has done little to warn average taxpayers. For many, the new tax tables will simply mean smaller-than-expected tax refunds next year, IRS spokesman Terry Lemons said. The average refund was nearly $2,700 this year. But taxpayers who calculate their withholding so they get only small refunds could face an unwelcome tax bill next April. They are going to get a surprise!Obama has touted the tax credit as one of the big achievements of his first 100 days in office, boasting that 95 percent of working families will qualify in 2009 and 2010. The credit pays workers 6.2 percent of their earned income, up to a maximum of $400 for individuals and $800 for married couples who file jointly. Individuals making more $95,000 and couples making more than $190,000 are ineligible. The tax credit was designed to help boost the economy by getting more money to consumers in their regular paychecks. Employers were required to start using the new withholding tables by April 1.The tables, however, don't take into account several common categories of taxpayers, experts said.For example: --A single worker with two jobs making $20,000 a year at each job will get a $400 boost in take-home pay at each of them, for a total of $800. That worker, however, is eligible for a maximum credit of $400, so the remaining $400 will have to be paid back at tax time -- either through a smaller refund or a payment to the IRS.The IRS recognized there could be a similar problem for married couples if both spouses work, so it adjusted the withholding tables. The fix, however, was imperfect.-- A married couple with a combined income of $50,000 is eligible for an $800 credit. However, if both spouses work and make more than $13,000, the new withholding tables give them each a $600 boost -- for a total of $1,200.-- A single college student with a part-time job making $10,000 would get a $400 boost in pay. However, if that student is claimed as a dependent on a parent's tax return, she doesn't qualify for the credit and would have to repay it when she files next year.Some retirees face even bigger headaches. The Social Security Administration is sending out $250 payments to more than 50 million retirees in May as part of the economic stimulus package. The payments will go to people who receive Social Security, SSI, railroad retirement benefits or veteran's disability benefits. The payments are meant to provide a boost for people who don't qualify for the tax credit. However, they will go to retirees even if they have earned income and receive the credit. Those retirees will have the $250 payment deducted from their tax credit -- but not until they file their tax returns next year, long after the money may have been spent.Retirees who have federal income taxes withheld from pension benefits also are getting an income boost as a result of the new withholding tables. However, pension benefits are not earned income, so they don't qualify for the tax credit. That money will have to paid back next year when tax returns are filed.More than 20 million retirees and survivors receive payments from defined benefit pension plans, according to the Employee Benefit Research Institute. However, it is unclear how many have federal taxes withheld from their payments.The American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees union raised concerns about the effect of the tax credit on pension payments in a letter to Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner in March. Geithner responded that Treasury and IRS understoodthe concerns and were "exploring ways to mitigate that effect."Rep. Dave Camp of Michigan, the top Republican on the tax-writing House Ways and Means Committee, said Geithner has yet to respond to concerns raised by committee members. "So far we've got the, 'If we don't address this maybe it will go away' approach," Camp said.

We were startled to learn that Tim Geithner had made People magazine's 50 Most Beautiful People list. Not because Tim isn't a fine-looking fellow, but because he pretty much looks like any other guy who's done a lifetime of bureaucratic work. But maybe there's a simple explanation. Geithner's brother David Geithner, is a People executive, having been at Time Warner (TWX) since 1992. Now, of course we're not saying David put bro Tim on the list. But might David's underlings have added him, you know, as a joke or favor to the boss?

Hawaii lawmakers vote to celebrate 'Islam Day'

HONOLULU - Hawaii's state Senate has overwhelmingly approved a bill to celebrate "Islam Day," despite the objections of a few lawmakers who said they didn't think the state should honor a religion connected to Sept. 11, 2001.
The resolution to proclaim Sept. 24, 2009, as Islam Day passed the Senate on a 22-3 vote Wednesday. The bill was previously passed by Hawaii's House of Representatives. The bill recognizes what it calls "the rich religious, scientific, cultural and artistic contributions" that Islam and the Islamic world have made.
But the Senate's two Republicans argued that radical Islamists cheered the 2001 attacks. They also noted that other religions didn't have a special day honored. The lone Democrat voting in dissent opposed it on church-state separation grounds.

D-day for Obama by: Michael Savage

On June 6, 1944, the American invasion of Nazi-controlled Europe began on the beaches of Normandy. Thousands of American men were killed in a single day. But in April of 2009, Barack Hussein Obama dishonored the memory of those fallen men by refusing to visit Normandy on his European trip. Why did he do it, you ask? Because he didn’t want to offend Germany. You see, his European vacation has been very carefully calculated. He spends so much time in France, so much time in Germany, just enough in each case to stroke the egos of Europe’s neo-Marxist heads of state. And so because he had already spent time in Paris, the city of lights, the world capital of fashion, he didn’t want to come back on the way home. Germany might look poorly on it if he paid France an extra visit. I’ve already told you that Obama is trying to be president of the world. And this is just another example of him misplacing his priorities. For Americans, the beaches at Normandy in France are hallowed ground. Tens of thousands of our men shed their blood in this invasion in a fight against tyranny and despotism. In a fight which Americans of this generation couldn’t begin to make. President Reagan went there during his administration. Going there isn’t even really a foreign trip. It’s a trip to honor America’s fallen heroes. And though Obama is willing to whine and dine the French in Paris, though he’s a crowd pleaser in Prague, though he sounds terrific to the Turks, when it comes to Normandy, he’s nobody.

Over 40$ of American households do not pay income tax, yet they are getting a government check
which President Obama calls a “Tax Break”. No……..IT IS CALLED “INCOME REDISTRIBUTION!”


All you ever wanted to know about Arlen Specter’s character comes from his appearance on NBC’s “Meet the Press”.
· Speaking to a deal that allows the party-switching senior U.S. Senator of Pennsylvania to keep his seniority, Mr. Specter blurted, “That’s an entitlement!” See, Arlen really is a Dimmycrat.
· Far worse, however, was Specter’s vomit-and that’s the only word for it-that the actions of the Republican Party somehow killed Jack Kemp, the former congressman of New York who died of cancer recently.
Aside from the poor form, Mr. Specter apparently forgets, as The Wall Street Journal did not, that it was Republicans who more than doubled funding for federal biomedical research in the 12 years ending 2006. Additionally, far more private venture capital is invested in such research in the United States than in foreign countries. But rest assured, that all will change if the policies that Specter’s new party is proposing become law. Oh, by the way, it was the White House that said Specter told President Obama that he’d be “a loyal Democrat.” Specter denies he ever said it. Give him a month or so-he’ll deny he ever switched parties or concocted the single-bullet theory in the JFK assassination.

The crucial need for the 'War on Terror' By Ned Rice April 17, 2009

For the sake of civilization, we should hope that a report of its death is greatly exaggerated -- terrorists must be confronted and defeated.
The fact that the military aspect of our war initially focused on Iraq and Afghanistan, and not every spot on Earth where any terror attack had ever occurred, does not contradict this. Our goal (under President Bush, at least) is to make clear to terrorists, from Belfast to Baghdad, from Spain to Sri Lanka, that they will no longer be tolerated, placated, negotiated with, psychoanalyzed, celebrated or -- as was increasingly the case elsewhere -- rewarded for their brutal acts. Instead, they will be annihilated, systematically and ruthlessly, until other would-be terrorists come to understand that the civilized world will no longer be intimidated by deranged misanthropes with exploding backpacks.Aslan goes on to describe how our efforts are perceived in the Muslim world, but he fails to point out that this also is a place where many people use the words "Jew" and "American" interchangeably; where clear majorities believe the 9/11 attacks were the work of the Bush administration; where many believe that every Jew working in the World Trade Center was warned ahead of time to stay home on Sept. 11; where many believe that deadly terrorist attacks on civilians are often morally acceptable. A place where videotape of a 17-year-old girl being flogged nearly to death raises few eyebrows because it was done in the name of Islam.America's war on terror is not a charm offensive, so winning the hearts of such people is probably a task best left to people like Dr. Aslan. Winning their minds, however, is within our grasp because even a terrorist understands strength.
In the final analysis, national security is about being respected by the rest of the world, not being liked, which is why we chose to declare war on terror in the first place. For the sake of civilization itself, let us hope that Dr. Aslan's reports of the War on Terror's death are greatly exaggerated.
Ned Rice is a Los Angeles-based television writer.

Barack Obama’s Endless Media Honeymoon
By Brian Birdnow

Barack Hussein Obama, the swimwear model, good friend of Oprah Winfrey and Jay Leno, dance partner of Ellen De Generes, bowling enthusiast, and President of the United States can now credibly add one more title to his ever growing Curriculum Vitae: The American Media’s most coddled public figure. A cursory examination of media coverage concerning the Administration 100 Days reveals a breathtaking pro-Obama bias, which cannot be explained away as a simple case of the mainstream media leading cheers for their favorite liberal Democrat of the moment. Conservatives believe this universally and accept it as an article of faith. Interestingly, some liberals, notably Howard Kurtz and Mark Halperin, are admitting this themselves and are predicting that the most egregiously guilty parties “…will regret this.”
Despite this apparent ripple of liberal doubt the current rolls on and the fawning press continues. Harry Smith compares Obama to Moses, Chris Mathews feels a trickle running down his leg, and ABC’s Terry Moran contrasts Obama favorably with George Washington. The leading lights of the prestige media are singing from the same hymnbook. The question is, and always has been: Why? Why have the media gone in the tank for Barack Obama and when will the honeymoon end?
The answer to the latter question is that this infatuation will not end anytime soon. The answer to the former question is much more complex. Many commentators have advanced their various explanations for this phenomenon but they can be reduced to four logical possibilities. First of all, some argue that Obama’s personal qualities lead to favorable press coverage. True, Obama can be petulant at times and he seems quite thin-skinned when taking personal criticism. He does, however, seem generally affable and his Secret Service retinue said he was a nice guy who eschewed diva treatment and played a mean game of basketball. Perhaps the ladies and gentlemen of the press are showing their approval of a regular guy.

There is also a certain elitism at work here. People who present stellar academic and intellectual credentials can bring many liberals, who are usually difficult to impress, to their knees. In this regard Barack and Michelle Obama are the new generation’s ultimate power couple. They possess Ivy League educations, complete with law degrees. The President worked as a law professor at the prestigious University of Chicago law school and Michelle served as Executive Director of Community Affairs for the university hospital after serving a stint as a practicing attorney at a downtown Chicago firm. The media stars see the Obamas as a couple of upper middle class high achievers just as they see themselves and they extend sympathetic coverage to their own class.
In addition to the class issue involved we can also see an undeniable racial strain just below the surface. Many reporters, anchors, and commentators believe that they will earn their liberal bonafides by showering effusive praise on this historically significant figure. Many of these same media personalities are too young to have covered the Civil Rights movement of the 1950s and 60s and they now see themselves as participants in the Final Act of this grand struggle. Also, many white reporters, anchors, and commentators who heaped ridicule, mockery, scorn and abuse upon George W. Bush and, to a lesser extent Bill Clinton would not dare to subject Barack Obama to the same type of character assassination for fear of the racial backlash.

Finally, and most convincingly, there is the question of ideological affinity. The first 100 days of his Presidency revealed Barack Obama as the most ideologically leftwing Chief Executive in American history. While he has disappointed some extreme liberals by not moving fast enough on their pet issues, this simply reflects those groups unrealistic expectations and does not change the fact that Obama has turned the nation sharply to the left. When liberal media figures see one of their own they will close ranks to protect that individual. Who can forget Eleanor Clift stating in 1992 that most reporters were willing to give candidate Bill Clinton wide latitude with the truth because they shared his basic ideological views?

So, people should not expect this love affair to end anytime soon. The public can expect more leg-tingling, more schoolgirl crushes, and more generally fawning media. The Barack Obama media honeymoon shows few signs of concluding. More likely this is one romance that will last until the tropic sun grows cold.

Interesting Quote:

Norman MattonThomas (November 20, 1884 - December 19, 1968) was a leading American socialist, pacifist, and six-time presidential candidate for the Socialist Party of America. He was ordained as a Presbyterian minister in 1911. As a candidate for President of the U. S., Norman Thomas said, in a 1944 epoch speech:
"The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But, under the name of "liberalism", they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened." He went on to say: "I no longer need to run as a Presidential Candidate for the Socialist Party. The Democratic Party has adopted our platform."

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